He's got all the lovely Temporis cards at his disposal...
Serpentis & Presence make him a nice matchup with the Followers of Set. Potence & Obtenebration make hims a nice fit with the Lasombra if you'e after something more violent and less S&B.
But what a lovely little card text... All that stuff you wanted in your hand later, just toss it back into the library to get it later.
On the downside, Nehemiah really lacks a stealth discipline. He's combat durable; Temporis, Presence, Potence and to a lesser extent Obtenebration and Serpentis offer some interesting combat options.
The immediate thought I have is about Followers of Set with Potence, which is moderately common in the larger members of Groups 3-4-5. Shemti, Bupe and Clea all have at least [pot] which makes for plenty of interesting cross-overs with Nehemiah. Do you run a variation on the [POT][SER] + Corruption/Temptation decks? Beat the blood of them, then borrow them and bleed your prey with their own minions... The problem becomes Stealth... While Typhonic Sleaze... aka Typhonic Beast... can give you some serious Potence-Stealth... it still doesn't help those Temptations land IF you put them on with Nehemiah. Maybe instead Nehemiah is your backup... the Rusher who can then untap himself using Temporis and do other dodgey shennanigans. If you use the [POT] defensively, you can again, exploit Temptations by putting them backwards... then with a combination of Touch of Pain, Frozen Object and Rush beat the blood off until you can then borrow the minion and bleed your prey with your predator's minion. Another very viable option... but feels like it could be lacking on the ousting roids while speed-bumping your Predator. A Form of Corruption could help with getting the needed goons for the forward pressure... but then again it's not like that's creating a 3-bleed here. Potentially Enticements should be the kill-switch... but there is another card needed in plentiful supply... Horseshoes can also be a key card in this deck, but then you're running MANY actions and combat and not much else.
Being a Trujah with Votes, Nehemiah also screams VOTE WITH ME... So who do you match him to? He's half-brothers/sisters in the Brujah? That would then make his [SER] & [obt] dead space. Indie-Vote is an option, which again puts you at the doorstep of the Followers of Set... but again... bye bye [POT] unless you're going to make it a feature of the rest and use Iron Glare...
I feel like I should be making a few Nehemiah decks. But I almost feel like I'm only using a half-a-vampire if it isn't a FoS + Potence deck.
Do other people have ideas on what you should make with Nehemiah? I'm hoping for it to be at least Tier 2 when its done... just another surprise out of the bag. Like my Disciplineless Brujah Breed'n'Vote'n'Bloat...
ReplyDeleteI try to built political Nehemiah:
4x Nehemiah POT PRE SER TEM obt 9 True Brujah:4 2 votes
3x Melinda Galbraith AUS CEL DOM POT PRE obt 10 Lasombra:4 cardinal
1x Melinda Galbraith (Adv) AUS CEL DOM POT PRE obt 10 Toreador antitribu:4 bishop
2x Giangaleazzo, The Trait OBT POT PRE dom 8 Lasombra:4 prince
2x Shawnda Dorrit CEL obt pot pre 6 Brujah antitribu:4 priscus
Master [22]
1x Archon Investigation
1x Giant's Blood
1x Lilith's Blessing
2x Tabriz Assembly
1x Legendary Vampire
1x Obtenebration
5x Zillah's Valley
2x Information's Highway
6x Villein
2x Wider View
Action [2]
2x Entrancement
Action Modifier [32]
2x Awe
2x Bewitching Oration
6x Iron Glare
6x Voter Captivation
2x Recurring Contemplation
2x Blanket of Night
2x Pocket Out of Time
2x Shadow Play
8x Shroud of Night
Ally [1]
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Political Action [15]
6x Kine Resources Contested
1x Neonate Breach
3x Reckless Agitation
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Conservative Agitation
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Reaction [8]
4x Deflection
4x On the Qui Vive
Combat [10]
10x Majesty
But I have no much success with it...
I've had an incredible amount of fun with this deck - and it's been surprisingly successful!
ReplyDeleteDeck Name: Nehemiah and Shemti Beatdown
Created By: DeathInABottle
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 32, Max: 36, Avg: 8.66)
2 Bupe Kuila pre OBF POT SER7 Followers of Set
2 Neferu dom nec OBF PRE SER THA9 Followers of Set
4 Nehemiah obt POT PRE SER TEM9 True Brujah
4 Shemti vic OBF POT PRE SER9 Followers of Set
Library: (80 cards)
Master (17 cards)
1 Crocodile Temple, The
5 Eternals of Sirius, The
1 Ferraille
1 Legendary Vampire
2 Perfectionist
1 Tabriz Assembly
3 Villein
1 Wash
2 Wider View
Action (6 cards)
1 Clotho`s Gift
1 Form of Corruption
2 Frozen Object
2 Preternatural Strength
Action Modifier (20 cards)
2 Cloak the Gathering
7 Domain of Evernight
5 Iron Glare
1 Pocket Out of Time
5 Voter Captivation
Political Action (10 cards)
2 Free States Rant
3 Honor the Elders
5 Reckless Agitation
Reaction (8 cards)
2 Ecstasy
1 Mental Maze
1 Rewind Time
4 Touch of Pain
Combat (15 cards)
1 Immortal Grapple
3 Majesty
5 Outside the Hourglass
1 Taste of Vitae
5 Typhonic Beast
Ally (1 cards)
1 Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Equipment (1 cards)
1 Heart of Nizchetus
Combo (2 cards)
2 Hall of Hades` Court
I am not sure how you believe that he doesn't have a stealth discipline. With TEM, obt, and SER he has plenty of stealth at his disposal, albeit not the cheapest. Here is a rather fun, but complicated, deck that I made a day before a tournament, made it to the finals but got crushed by a weird table. It can use some definite tweaking, have a lot of ideas for it, but it was fun to play. This is the original list:
ReplyDeleteDeck Name: Rituals of the Evil Eye
Created by: Robert Scythe
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=8 max=10 avg=8.83)
4x Giangaleazzo, The Traitor 8 dom OBT POT PRE Lasombra:4
2x Melinda Galbraith 10 obt AUS CEL DOM POT PRE Lasombra:4
4x Nehemiah 9 obt POT PRE SER TEM True Brujah:4
2x Tyler 9 dom for obt CEL POT PRE Brujah:3
Library (90 cards)
Master (17)
1x Coven, The
1x Dominate
1x Giant's Blood
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Lilith's Blessing
2x Obtenebration
2x Papillon
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
6x Villein
Action (10)
2x Clotho's Gift
1x Entrancement
1x Path of the Scorched Heart, The
6x Summon History
Political Action (17)
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
2x Banishment
1x Disputed Territory
4x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
4x Reckless Agitation
2x Reinforcements
1x Reins of Power
Equipment (3)
1x Ankara Citadel, Turkey, The
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
Ally (2)
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Action Modifier (25)
6x Iron Glare
2x Pocket Out of Time
1x Recurring Contemplation
4x Shadow Play
4x Shroud of Absence
3x Tangle Atropos' Hand
5x Voter Captivation
Reaction (8)
4x Deflection
4x On the Qui Vive
Combat (8)
8x Majesty
It is very convoluted but instead of focusing I would probably toolbox it more, 'cause I'm silly that way. It sprung from an old deck of mine that starred Giangaleazzo but added a bunch of new tech that is just too enjoyable to leave out. The old deck was probably a better tournament contender but this one's cooler.
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