Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How would you change VTES? 4X: Appendix 1 - Keyword Glossary

(AFAIK none of this is explicitly structured as a common glossary of keywords in one location. It may be spread through the rules in a variety of places, but it is not a common collection of keywords.  Also, I would like to clearly define some keywords and wish I could go back and edit the text of cards to make these keywords be used.)  This is currently a work in progress, so I will come back to add and edit these.  But for now...

Bound: Keywords can be bound to clans or sects. If the minion changes their properties, then they may no longer be eligible to use the keyword. Examples of bound keywords are Prince, Scarce, Slave and Justicar.

General Keywords

  • Burn: Any effect which burns something either moves counters back to the Blood Bank or moves cards to the Ash Heap.
  • Contest/Contesting: Contesting cards and titles occurs at the beginning of the Untap phase. This makes the cards and/or titles Out of Play. The cost for contesting a card is 1 pool paid by the card's controller.  The cost for contesting a Title is 1 blood paid by the minion with the title.  For more detail regarding the rules on Contesting see the section earlier in the rules.
  • Controlled: A card which is not Out of Play or in the Uncontrolled region.
  • Move: Any effect which will Move a target must have a valid target to choose. That is, you cannot move more counters than currently exist and you cannot move a card from a minion which is not there (e.g. cannot move equipment if there is no equipment). Any effect which would attempt to Move things from a target which do not exist would be an illegal play.
  • Out of Play: Cards which have been removed from the game are Out of Play. This is also the state for Contested Cards (see rules for Contesting Unique Cards or Titles).
  • Ready: A card in the ready region is Ready.
  • Steal: Steal moves the target card or counters from another minion to the minion playing this effect (in general). Steal effects may be used when there is not necessarily a valid target. That is, I can try to Steal 3 blood from a vampire with 1 blood. The Steal effect will take any eligible targets available and any excess effects of the Steal effect will fail (i.e. Stealing 3 blood from a vampire with 1 blood will result in moving 1 blood and the remaining 'steal 2 blood' will fail). This means that Steal Equipment can be played on a minion which has no equipment. 
  • Unique: Any card or title which is Unique can be contested. By default, crypt cards are Unique. By default, allies are non-Unique.
  • Non-Unique: Minions or cards with this keyword cannot be contested; they are not Unique.

Vampire Keywords

Vampire Properties

  • Blood Cursed: Blood Cursed vampires may not diablerise another vampire.
  • Bleed: All vampires have 1 bleed. Vampires with +x bleed have that in addition to their normal 1 bleed. Vampires with -x bleed have the reverse. Allies have their bleed listed at the top of their text; they may have +x bleed listed on their superior text and if so they function the same way. Any minion which successfully completes a bleed action which would resolve for less than 0, instead has that action resolve for 0. This action is successful (it was not blocked) but is not a successful bleed (the target of the action did not burn pool during the action's resolution) and the Edge does not move.
  • Capacity: This is shown on a crypt card in the bottom right inside a red circle. 
  • Clan: This is shown via the clan logo (and also card background) on the crypt card. Caitiff cannot be chosen as a Clan by cards, however if a Caitiff creates another vampire the new vampire will also be a Clan-less Caitiff. Caitiff is not a clan, but a collective name for vampires without a known Clan heritage.
  • Generation: This is a synonym of Capacity. Larger capacity vampires are "older generation" vampires.
  • Infernal: Infernal vampires do not Untap as normal. To untap an Infernal vampire, you must burn 1 pool during your Untap phase.
  • Intercept: All vampires have 0 intercept. Vampires with +x intercept have that in addition to their normal 0 intercept. Vampires with -x intercept have the reverse. Any minion with stealth greater than the blocking minion's intercept will not be blocked, even when the intercept is less than zero.
  • Older: A vampire with a larger capacity.
  • Red List: Red List minions have additional special rules attached to them. See the section "Red List Minions" for additional rules. Traditionally these minions have made themselves enemies of vampire society and typically valuable rewards have been offered for their destruction.
  • Scarce: When a Methuselah would control more than one Scarce minion of the same clan, they must burn 3 pool for each Scarce minion beyond the first. That is, if a Methuselah would control three Scarce minions of the same clan then they would burn 6 pool (3 pool x 2 minions beyond the first).
  • Slave: A Slave vampire is bound to a Clan/s. The Slave cannot take directed actions unless you also control a member of the Clan to which the Slave is bound. 
    When a member of the Clan to which a Slave is bound would enter combat after being blocked, the Slave may take the place of the acting vampire; the Slave enters combat with the blocking minion. The Slave vampire taps before the combat begins and the acting vampire untaps; it does not matter if the Slave could have taken the action on their own.
  • Stealth: All vampires have 0 stealth but some of the Default Actions (see the section on Default Actions) have additional stealth.  Minions with +x stealth have that in addition to their normal 0 stealth.  Minions with -x stealth have the reverse.  Any minion attempting to block with intercept equal to or greater than the acting minion will block the acting minion, even if both the intercept amount and the stealth amount are less than zero.
  • Sterile: Sterile vampires cannot take actions or use effects that would put vampires directly into play; that is they cannot take Breed Actions (see below for more details on Breed Actions).  They can take actions that may indirectly put vampires into play, such as adding counters to an uncontrolled minion.
  • Strength: All vampires have 1 strength.  Minions with "+x strength" have that in addition to their normal strength.  Minions with "-x strength" have the reverse.  Allies have their strength listed at the top of their text; they may have +x strength or -x strength listed on theirtext and if so it functions the same way.  Any strength-based strike which would be for a number less than 0, resolves as if the strike was for 0 damage.
  • Vulnerability: This is bound to a type (commonly Cold Iron).  Damage from the bound source is treated as aggravated damage for minions with this keyword.
  • Younger: A vampire with a smaller capacity.


All vampires belong to a Sect.  A vampire cannot belong to more than one sect.
  • Camarilla: Vampires with this keyword are Camarilla vampires.
  • Sabbat: Vampires with this keyword are Sabbat vampires.
  • Laibon: Vampires with this keyword are Laibon vampires.
  • Independent: Vampires with this keyword are Independent vampires.
  • Anarch: Anarch is a subtype of Independent vampires.  A vampire cannot be Anarch without also being Independent.  If a vampire which is Anarch changes sect to a sect other than Independent, then it also loses its Anarch keyword.
    Any minion may choose to become an Independent Anarch as a +1 stealth action which costs 2 blood if you do not already control an Anarch vampire.  If you do control an Anarch vampire, this action costs 1 blood.

Titles and Votes

  • Primogen: This is a non-Unique Camarilla title worth 1 vote.
  • Bishop: This is a non-Unique Sabbat title worth 1 vote.
  • Archbishop: This is a Unique Sabbat title worth 2 votes.  It is bound to a Domain (e.g. Archbishop of Mexico City) and any other title which is bound to this Domain will lead to contesting of the title.
  • Baron: This is a Unique Independent Anarch title worth 2 votes.  It is bound to a Domain (e.g. Baron of Los Angeles) and any other title which is bound to this Domain will lead to contesting of the title.  Baron's burn +1 blood when contesting their Domain with an Archbishop or Prince.
  • Prince: This is a Unique Camarilla title worth 2 votes. It is bound to a Domain (e.g. Prince of Paris) and any other title which is bound to this Domain will lead to contesting of the title. 
  • Magaji: This is a non-Unique Laibon title worth 2 votes.
  • Kholo: This is a Unique Laibon title worth 2 votes. It is bound to a Laibon Clan.  There can only be one member of a Laibon Clan with this title but this title does not contest between different clans. That is, an Ishtarri Kholo does not contest the title with a Guruhi Kholo but two Ishtarri may contest the Kholo title.
  • Justicar: This is a Unique Camarilla title worth 3 votes.  It is bound to a Clan (e.g. Ventrue Justicar) so it will contest any other vampire of the matching clan and title. The title also becomes inactive if the Justicar changes clan.  Inactive titles cannot be contested.
  • Priscus: This is a non-Unique Sabbat title worth 1 ballot.  All of the Priscii (pl. of Priscus) vote in their own referendum using their ballots.  As a group they cast 3 votes in referendums; even if there is 1 Priscus they are not considered to have voted for or against a referendum.  Priscus may use action modifiers which would give additional votes to gain additional ballots.  Ballots are worth 0 votes in the main referendum.
  • Cardinal: This is a non-Unique Sabbat title worth 3 votes.
  • Imperator: This is a Unique Camarilla title worth 3 votes; only one controlled vampire in the game may be the Imperator.  Imperators may play the card Bloodhunt from their controller's Ashheap as if it was in their hand, as if using the title of Prince.
  • Inner Circle: This is a Unique Camarilla title worth 4 votes.  It is bound to a Clan (e.g. Toreador Inner Circle) so it will contest any other vampire of the matching clan and title.  The title becomes inactive if the Inner Circle changes clan.  Inactive titles cannot be contested.
  • Regent: Regent is a Unique Sabbat title worth 4 votes.  A vampire with the Regent title may play cards as if they were also a Cardinal.
  • x votes: This is a non-Unique title worth x votes. (e.g. "2 votes" is a title).
  • Additional votes: Additional votes do not make a vampire titled.  Any card which gives "+x votes" also does not give a vampire a title.  (e.g. Legendary Vampire does not make the vampire with that card titled)

Action Keywords

  • Bleed Action: Bleed actions are a directed action directed at your prey, by default.  Any minion with a bleed amount may declare a bleed action.
  • Breed: Breed actions put vampires directly into play; moving a crypt card into the ready region is not a Breed action.  Examples of Breed actions are: Third Tradition: Progeny, The Embrace, Tumnimos and Shock Troops.  Command the Legions is not a Breed Action.  Sterile vampires cannot take Breed Actions.
  • Employ: Employ actions put retainers onto a ready minion; the retainer does not need to be placed on the acting minion for the action to be an Employ action.
  • Equip: Equip actions are any action which will put an Equipment Card on the acting minion.  These may be equipment cards from the hand or from another minion in play.  A minion may only gain 1 Equipment Card on a standard Equip action.
  • Hunt: These actions can be taken by a vampire who has no blood.  It can be used in place the the Default Hunt.
  • Mandatory: Mandatory actions must be performed before any voluntary actions.  Some cards may force Mandatory actions on a minion; these Mandatory actions can be performed in any order but all Mandatory actions must be completed before any voluntary actions are declared.  Declaring a voluntary action before all Mandatory actions have been taken is an illegal play.
    Vampires who have 0 blood always have a Mandatory action to hunt; this can occur at any time in a turn and does not make previous voluntary actions illegal.
    If a minion has two Mandatory actions then it does not perform any actions.  If a minion has a Mandatory action that it cannot complete (e.g. a vampire must hunt but is prohibited from hunting) then it does not perform any actions.
  • Political Action: Political actions, if not blocked, resolve in a referendum.  During a political action, action modifiers can be used and reactions may be used by the non-acting minion.
  • Recruit: Recruit actions put Allies into play.  Any card which would put an ally (i.e. not a crypt card or a vampire) into play is a recruit action.  The Summoning at superior Presence [PRE] is a recruit action.
  • Repeatable: A Repeatable action may be performed more than once by a given minion during a minion phase.  Most actions can only be performed once during a minion phase by a given minion.
  • Voluntary: Any action which is chosen by the player, instead of a Mandatory action forced upon a minion, is a Voluntary action.  Cards may check to see if Voluntary actions have been taken or if only Mandatory actions have been taken. Uncontrolled Impulse is an example of such a card.

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