Deck Name : Eternal Nergal
Author : Juggernaut1981
Description :
This is basically supposed to be a twisted version of a Turbo-Nergal Deck.
Nergal gets Mostly-sucked dry by Villein + Serpentis, grabs the Soul Gem, then makes a Great Beast ([FOR][OBF][DAI])... Then you get a Free Nergal or Abdelsobek...
If you get Abdelsobek, you Eternal Mask him into Nergal.
When a Great Beast gets low on blood... Chuck it off the Khobar Towers and get Nergal to call another Great Beast, then Chuck Abdelsobek off the tower... And so on... Anytime anything
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 5 max: 10 average: 7.83333
4x Nergal 10 AUS DAI FOR OBF PRE THA Baali:5
2x Nergal Adv 10 AUS DAI FOR OBF PRE THA Baali:5
4x Abdelsobek 5 for nec obf pre ser Follower :5
2x Ogwon 7 OBF PRE SER for Follower :5
Library [72 cards]
Action [12]
4x Call the Great Beast
4x Eternal Mask, The
4x Force of Will
Action Modifier [28]
4x Cloak the Gathering
4x Forgotten Labyrinth
6x Freak Drive
4x Lost in Crowds
6x Psychomachia
4x Truth of a Thousand Lies
Combat [8]
8x Majesty
Equipment [6]
6x Soul Gem of Etrius
Master [18]
4x Ashur Tablets
2x Khobar Towers, Al-Khubar
6x Serpentis
2x Social Ladder
4x Villein