Friday, November 25, 2011

Does this vampire feel balanced to you?

This is a LOT of positive and negative text... just not sure if it all balances out in the end.

The intent of this vampire (from a thematic building point) was that they were a paranoid recluse. Chi & + stealth help her avoid others, but getting out there and doing things (like bleeding, etc) requires extra effort for her (hence increased cost). But being a paranoid recluse with [AUS] means you'd also be keenly aware of anything happening nearby and constantly vigilant (hence the burn 1 blood for -1 stealth anywhere near her).

I may amend it to have the increased cost on (D) actions and keep the "burn a blood". The title seems not to fit with the rest of the idea, so I might give her a 5th discipline (since those would be roughly a half-price discpline).


  1. She can't bleed, she cant't really rush. She can, however, block, but does not have combat discipline.

    Border case, not unlike Sonja Blue or Jacob the glitch ; usually worthless, may shine in a dedicated deck.

  2. Underpowered. A 3/4/5 cap with DEM and a Babble pretty much accomplishes her special for cheaper and without the difficulty in bleeding.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What about:

    "Jozefa may burn 1 blood to give an action -1 stealth, if she does so she is unable to block or play reaction cards during this action."

    Then her special becomes a mini Draba which is more interesting on a table level and may encourage her use.

  5. Woefully underpowered. A Malkavian's bread and butter is usually bleeding. Jozefa's card text makes that option largely inviable, given how each bleed starts at 0 value and costing 1 blood (having played around with Tryphosa a little, I can tell you that this makes for some very parcimonious bleeding prospects).

    Block-wise she seems a bit more friendly but even then she doesn't shine as she should given you'll be paying for OBF and a Stealth bonus that she mostly won't be using. Also no combat abilities to speak of.

    Lastly, her defensive ability is truly nothing to write home about. Abbot gives almost the same benefit and for a much cheaper price, even being available to the same sect as she belongs to. Obviating the part where the action needs to be directed at the controller would make it a fair bit better, being usable against political actions and useful as a table control tool.

  6. Keep it simple.
    6 cap (Dolphin Black) has all superior
    7 cap (Jozefa Bernard) has one extra discipline - so far so good

    Since she can't do a default bleed, the "directed actions cost Jozefa 1 additional blood" is too limiting.

    Basically, you have 4 abilities, 2 good and 2 bad. Pick one of each.

    Note: I also see that she is now another vamp for Nightmare Curse.

    Choice 1: "directed actions..." and "... burn 1 blood to give -1 stealth". Basically, she gets a Ignis Fatuus at chi and can bounce. Option: Maybe make her a bishop. Or increase her cap by 1 and make her an Archbishop.

    Choice 2: "-1 bleed" and "+1 stealth". This is interesting but straight forward. If you give a title, interesting for vote decks.

    Choice 3: "... burn 1 blood to give -1 stealth" and "-1 Bleed". This is not bad. Not my main pick.

    Choice 4: "directed actions..." and "+1 stealth"
    This is interesting. Can save on stealth cards but on a clock as you run out of blood. Kind of like it. Might be too good though.

    Overall review: I would just pick one good and one bad ability. MAYBE make her a bishop. If make archbishop increase capacity by 1.

    Hope this helps,
    Adam Hulse
    Prince of New York


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