Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Winter of our Discontent Round 1

So after the low turnout, we're going to run this storyline as one of the games during our regular games nights.

Round #1:

Brian, Traditionalists, Malk/!Malk Bleeder (not super-sleaze bleed but still with grunt)
Me, Anarchists, G1-2 Ven Bleed'n'Vote (Undue Influence, KRCs, etc)
Joe Lemon, Anarchists, G4 Daughters of Cacophony Vote
Will, Traditionalists, G4-5 Ventrue Princes
James, Organised Crime, Brutal Orun Cannon

With the three voters on the table, and Joe's prey being the only player with a reasonably number of static votes, his game was an uphill battle from the start. He had major issues getting any vote off and it didn't get much better. Brian got in some reliable bleeds and had me on the ropes fairly early, it didn't help that my deck was jamming so I couldn't bloat enough to keep my head above the water. Will took a fair bit of early pressure with Joe using Reckless Agitation on him twice fairly early on. James got a bad crypt draw and then didn't see any Oruns until the Midgame making that deck cycle far slower and bloat far slower than it should.

I was fairly quickly removed by the 3x 2bleed actions coming basically every turn. Joe went soon after. Will then utilised Parity Shift to buy some more time hoping to get around James who was drawing much of the untap in the deck. In the end, James held out just long enough that Brian got Will and then James for a clean sweep.

Current Factional Standings:
Traditionalists 5VP
Anarchists 0VP
Organised Crime 0VP

The next round of this will be held in two weeks.

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