Tuesday, August 16, 2011

VTES Creations

I've been creating a lot of cards recently. Seems to be the 'passion' of the moment. At any rate, Blogger isn't very elegant for uploading and storing the many image files that publishing these things for public comment requires. A little while ago I built a Google page to do just that sort of thing. So here it is.


For others who are interested, there is a link to a relatively recent version of my own RPG d20-style system that might get finished soon (it's already 3 years since I started) but then again might not. I'm at the slow part where I am creating magic items, bit by bit, and magical armour and spells... many spells to create yet to appropriately fill out the different magic levels to make them all worth taking. I think the core of the game is there and solid, but its those kinds of details that take so much time and realistically need to be completed before you can satisfactorily playtest them. Can't have Wizard V Barbarian if the Wizard doesn't have the spells.


  1. I'm a real fan of the Revenants; any plans to make a Zantosa ghoul?

  2. Yeah I wasn't sure what to do with the Zantosas. I think I'll need to spend a bit more time reading and thinking. The Bratovich will probably need a bit more work, same for Grimaldi. People seem to have no issue with the Obertus.


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