Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DECK: Followers of the Fist

Deck Name : Followers of Fist
Author : Juggernaut1981
Description :
This is an idea that came to me last night. There have been a few Typhonic Beast type decks making an appearance in my meta, but they are basically just "Raaargh Must Smash!" and don't really have a "kill trigger".

So instead I was thinking... Form of Corruption and Temptation both check for blood... There are quite a few snakes with Potence now... why not merge Horseshoes, Touch of Pain and Temptation/FoC into something fun and nasty and a variation on Matt Barnett's Famous Spirit Marionette of Death deck (Spirit Marionette backwards into your predators minion that you use to then bleed your prey with a Day Op or similar... after you gave your predator's minion Fortitude).

So the plan is to use my predator's minions, put Enrage on them (or just make them bleed) and then use my predator's guys to "part the vampire waters" in front of me. Then kill by having a swarm of Waters of the Duat turning around and bleeding with a Dream World in play.

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 9 average: 6.16667

3x Shemti 9 OBF POT PRE SER vic 1 vote Follower :5
2x Bupe Kuila 7 OBF POT SER pre Follower :4
2x Clea Auguste d'Hol 6 OBF POT pre ser Follower :5
2x Renenet 5 OBF PRE ser Follower :4
2x Ahmose Chambers 3 obf ser Follower :5
1x Zhenga 5 SER obf pre Follower :4

Library [90 cards]

Action [42]
4x Dream World
4x Enrage
4x Form of Corruption
8x Horseshoes
4x Mesu Bedshet
4x Psychic Veil
8x Temptation
6x Waters of Duat

Action Modifier [14]
8x Cloak the Gathering
6x Truth of a Thousand Lies

Combat [8]
8x Typhonic Beast

Master [18]
2x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
2x Crocodile Temple, The
1x Giant's Blood
4x Path of Typhon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
4x Potence
2x Presence
2x Serpentis

Reaction [8]
8x Touch of Pain


  1. I like the idea, but there are too many janky cards in the deck for it to work properly.

    First, Enrage should just be Bum's Rush or Harass to save an action.

    Second, Dream World + Psychic Veil is far fetched in terms of having enough minions for it to pay off and because it isn't that strong to begin with.

    Third, your masters gain you no pool and actually cost a significant amount of pool.

    Fourth, is 8x Typhonic Beast enough combat to really care about? Why not 8x Catatonic Fear? 1 card gets you out of combat alive and can hurt your opponent. This deck is all about non-combat damage anyway.

    Now, the crypt. 7/12 vampires have POT. That should be enough to run your horseshoes and touch of pain (if you run some wakes). Waters of duat would probably be better off with obfuscate or presence than potence or serpentis. What this means is that you can go down to more like 4 skill cards, reduce the number of some other cards and protect/generate pool. If you don't need everyone to have obf, ser or pot, you could throw in some cheap sidekicks like Patrick.

    Let me know how it turns out!

  2. Actually I totally agree with Brandon.

    But here is another idea:

    don1t play Shemti cause he is a 9 cap. Toomuch pool. Make Bupe Star and add weenies. Villein + Lilith's + Potence skill cards for pool generation and gettting the skill cards out fast. Add wake cards since Bupe has intercept and you can play Touch of Pain when tapped out. Instead of all the waters of duats, enrage and some other stuff you can add the Horseshoes 'n stuff.

    I am curious what you build and how the result will be.

  3. As a reply...
    Psychic + Dream World are not meant to land at the same time.
    The Psychic Veils are more about allowing you to get some other sequence of actions off (like the Temptations, Enrages, a couple of Horsehoes).

    This is partly supposed to mimic Matt Barnett's Spirit Marionette Deck (which started the longer trend of Spirit Marionette decks that trash their predator's vampires to bleed their prey). Instead of bleeding them, I'm planning to rush my prey with my pred's vampire and Enrage provides a rush and +1 strength for basically free if I use a Waters. The Waters can also take the actions that would be considered 'dangerous' and fuel the larger vampires if needed.

    Shemti's special is useful, but Shemti isn't necessarily a Star (hence the broad crypt and only 3x Shemti).

    So I'd be keen to run the deck as it stands and tweak it on the table. I know it is action-heavy and that there are plenty of expensive cards...


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