Thursday, November 29, 2012

How would you change VTES? 6B

6.2 Attempting, Blocking and Resolving Actions

During a Minion Phase, minions may attempt actions and these actions may be blocked by other minions. This is the core of a game of VTES: minions taking actions, either having them succeed or having them blocked and personal combat.

6.2.1 Attempting Actions

A minion may attempt any action for which they meet the requirements. These requirements also include enough blood to pay for the cost of the card when the action is declared (it may lose blood during the action to the point where it cannot fully pay for the cost of a card).
To attempt an action you must tap the acting minion and declare the action that minion will attempt.
Declaring an action requires the following:
  • Either play an action card from your hand OR you nominate a card in play which provides an action your minion can attempt
  • If a target must be chosen, then when you declare your action you must declare its target and any other details of the action (e.g. how much blood you will spend, how much blood would be lost by a chosen minion, etc).
  • You must pause play momentarily to see if an action card played from your hand will be cancelled 'as it is played'. If you do not play an action card from your hand, then you may ignore this step.
Once the card has been successfully played (i.e. it was not cancelled as it was played) and you have replaced it, you may play any cards that are played as the "action is announced". Below is an example of such a card.
Type: Action Modifier
Requires: Dominate
Only usable as the acting vampire's action is announced.[dom] Choose a younger vampire. That vampire cannot block this action.
[DOM] As above, but you may choose a vampire the same age or older.

Once all of these cards have been played, along with any cards which may be played "before block attempts are declared" you may then choose to not play any cards at the moment and ask for block attempts.

6.2.2 Blocking Actions Which Minions May Attempt to Block?

During a Directed action, only the minions controlled by the Methuselah who is being targeted by that action (either as a player directly or by targeting any card controlled by that Methuselah, counter in play, card in the ashheap or by card text) may declare a block attempt.
During an Undirected action, both the Prey and Predator of the Methuselah who controls the acting minion may have their minions declare block attempts. The Prey of the acting Methuselah gains the first opportunity to block, as per the Sequencing Rule (insert reference here). After the Prey of the acting Methuselah has declared they will not attempt to block ("declined to block") then the Predator of the acting Methuselah may declare their block attempts, if any.
If a card or effect changes the target of a Directed action, then any minions of the Methuselah who is the new target of that action may declare block attempts.  If a Directed action changes target to a Methuselah who has previously declared no more block attempts, then as a new target of the Directed action, they may declare new block attempts using any minions including those which previously declared block attempts. Any intercept that minion has had from previous block attempts is retained by the minion until the action ends (either by resolving or being canceled). Making a Block Attempt

Once a Methuselah's minion has been chosen to make a block attempt, any card which may be played "When a minion attempts to block" may be played. For an example of such a card, see below.
Crocodile's Tongue
Type: Action Modifier
Requires: Auspex
[aus] Only usable when an ally or a younger vampire attempts to block. That block is canceled (the minion is not tapped). The blocking minion's controller cannot attempt to block this action again. The blocking minion can cancel this card by burning a blood or life.
[AUS] As above, but canceling this card requires an additional blood or life.

At this point, the acting Methuselah may play action modifiers again. Methuselahs can only play cards that grant additional stealth (e.g. "+1 stealth") if the acting minion has stealth which is not greater than the current intercept of the minion attempting to block. Cards cannot be played to gain stealth if the action would already be unblocked.  Other players may respond to each action modifier played using the Sequencing Rule (insert reference here).
A minion attempting to block may play any reactions they wish, but can only play reactions that grant additional intercept (e.g. "+2 intercept") if the minion attempting the action has greater stealth than the blocking minion has intercept. Cards cannot be played to gain intercept if the action would already be blocked.
Once both the acting minion and blocking minion have finished playing cards, using the Sequencing Rule (insert reference here), then a check is made to see if the acting minion has more stealth than the minion attempting to block has intercept. If the acting minion does have more stealth than the minion attempting to block has intercept, then the action will be successful. Otherwise, the minion attempting to block successfully blocks.
If one minion fails to successfully block, other minions may attempt to block the action. If a Methuselah declares that no more of their minions will attempt to block, then the next Methuselah (using the Sequencing Rule) may declare attempts to block the action or declare they will not attempt to block.
Some cards can be played or have their effects trigger when a minion blocks another. Examples of these are:
Change of Target 
Type: Action Modifier
Only usable when this acting minion is blocked (play before combat, if any). Untap the acting minion, do not tap the blocking minion, and end the current action (it is not successful). This minion cannot perform the same action again this turn.
Ghoul Escort
Type: Retainer
Ghoul with 4 life. Requires a ready vampire.
When this vampire is blocked, he or she may burn this retainer and untap instead of entering combat. (This does not untap the blocker.) 

When an acting minion is blocked, the two minions will begin a combat. See the rules for Combat below (insert reference here) for more details on how to resolve a Combat between two minions.

6.2.3 Resolving Actions

Actions can only resolve two ways: successfully or unsuccessfully.
Before an Action can resolve, its cost must be paid. Once the cost is fully paid, the action immediately resolves; no other effect can prevent the action from resolving.
Actions which are canceled, do not resolve either successfully or unsuccessfully by default. However, many of cards which will cancel actions taken by other minions change this. Cards which check for the resolution of an action (either as successful or unsuccessful) cannot be played if the action is canceled. Successful Actions

When an action is not blocked and the cost of the card is fully paid, an action is resolved successfully. It has the full effect as declared. Any card or effect which works after a successful action will be playable now. Unsuccessful Actions

There are two main ways an action can be unsuccessful: blocked or not fully paid.
If an action is blocked by another minion, then that action resolves unsuccessfully.
If an action is unblocked but the acting minion cannot fully pay its cost, then that action resolves unsuccessfully. If a minion has less blood than is required to fully pay the cost of an action, then whatever blood or pool that is available is paid and the action resolves unsuccessfully.
For any unsuccessful action, the declared effects of the card do not occur. Unsuccessful Bleed Actions that are not Blocked

An action that is not blocked is successful.  A bleed action that is not blocked, but does not result in pool damage to another player, is not a successful bleed but it is a successful action.  Cards and effects that require a successful action will be playable after a bleed action that resolves for 0 pool damage. Cards and effects (including the Edge) that require a successful bleed are not playable after a bleed action that resolves for 0 pool damage.

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