1.6.1. General
All Library cards have an Attribute Bar on the left hand side (it has a marbled background).
- Playing Cards. There are four main types of library cards:
convictions, master cards, minion cards and events
cards.Convictions are put in play during the untap phase (see details in the Imbued Rules appendix); master cards are played by Methuselahs; minion cards are played by the minions (vampires and allies) the Methuselahs control; event cards are put into play during the discard phase to represent events that affects the World of Darkness as a whole (see section 8). Master cards have no icon at the top of the attribute bar while the other cards have an icon there that indicates what type of card it is. A card is played by placing it face up in the playing area or by showing it to the other players and placing it face up in the ash heap. The player completely declares the effect of the card when it is played.Most cards are played by revealing them from your hand, declaring any targets and effects of the card and then either placing it face up in the playing area or instead into the ash heap.
a) Convictions are put into play during your untap phase and have special rules detailed in the Imbued Rules Appendix.
- b) Master cards are played during the Master Phase by the Methuselah to try represent a direct action by the ancient hidden vampire you represent.
- c) Minion cards are usually played during the Minion Phase by the minions you control. They represent the actions, responses and physical combats between the minions in play. Minion cards include Action Cards, Action Modifier Cards, Combat Cards and Reaction Cards.
- d) Event cards are played during the Discard Phase. They represent major events in the history of the world of the minions in play. They can only be played once in a game.
Some effects can cancel a card "as it is played." These
effects (and effects that grant the ability to play them, like Forced
Awakening) are the only effects allowed during the "as played" time
period of another card. Even drawing to replace cards comes after this
time period.
- Drawing Cards. Whenever you have successfully played a library card from your hand, you immediately draw another from your library to replace it (unless card text says otherwise, of course). You must wait to replace a card you have attempted to play until it is either successfully played or cancelled. If your library is empty, then you do not draw to replenish your hand, but you continue to play. The number of cards in your hand should always match your hand size (cards that are replaced later reduce your hand size for the duration of the effect). Whenever they don't match (when an effect changes your hand size or adds or removes cards from your hand, for example), immediately discard down to or draw up to your hand size.
- Requirements for Playing Cards. Each library card has symbols
on the Attribute Bar
(the marble stripe on the left side)for the card type (except for master cards), the clan or Discipline (if any) required to play the card, or special abilities such as Flight and the cost (if any) of playing that card.Some cards will have other requirements (such as capacity or title)There may be additional requirements stated in the card text. Only a minion who meets all of the requirements given on a minion card can play it, while only a. A Methuselah who controls a ready minion who meets the requirements of a master card can play
itthat Master card.
a) Some cards that have a requirement also have a burn option
icon. This icon means that a Methuselah who doesn't control a minion
that meets the requirements may discard the card during any Methuselah's
untap phase. Each Methuselah is limited to one such discard each untap
- Costs for playing cards
A drop of blood with a number on the left side of a library card (in the middle of the side or in the bottom corner) indicates the amount of blood or pool that must be burned to play the card. A number in a red drop represents blood cost (the amount of blood the vampire must burn). A number in a white diamond with a skull represents pool cost (the amount of pool the Methuselah must burn).
The cost of a card must be fully paid before the card begins to resolve. If the cost of an action could not be paid before playing the card (and that cost was known before declaring the action), then it is an illegal play and cannot be taken. If for whatever reason the cost of a card cannot be paid before resolving an action which was a legal play, then any available blood or pool must be burned and the card to resolves as an unsuccessful action. Once the cost of a card has been fully paid, then the card resolves normally (See Action Cards, Action Modifier Cards, Master Cards, Reaction Cards and Strike Cards for further details). - Targets. If a card is played on another card, or selects or
chooses or otherwise targets another card, the target card must be in
play (i.e. controlled).
Vampires in the torpor region are eligible targets by default, but vampires in the uncontrolled region and contested cards are not.Cards in the uncontrolled region cannot be targeted without specific text on the card. Cards which are contested are not in play and cannot be targeted. - Sequencing. If two or more players want to play a card or effect, the acting Methuselah plays first. At every stage, the acting player always has the opportunity to play the next card or effect. So after playing one effect, she may play another and another. Once she is finished, the opportunity passes to the defending Methuselah (in the cases of directed actions and combat), then to the rest of the Methuselahs in clockwise order from the acting Methuselah. Note that if any Methuselah uses a card or effect, the acting Methuselah again gets the opportunity to play the next effect.
- Draft Effects. Some cards have a special booster-pack version that also lists, in a gray box identified as "DRAFT:", an additional way to use the card. This effect can only be used in a draft or sealed deck tournament. Any bold text, like "+1 stealth action", in bold at the top of the regular text applies to the whole card, including the draft effect. Card cost applies as normal to the draft effect, as well. Clan and Discipline requirements are given in the draft effect section (and are independent of any Clan or Discipline requirement of the regular effects).
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