Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How would you change VTES? 4E: Contesting

4. Untap Phase and Contesting

You start your turn with your untap phase. At the beginning of your untap phase, you must untap all of your cards (except your infernal cards, see section 11). Any cards or effects that require or allow you to do something during your untap phase take effect after you have untapped your cards. You may choose the order in which these effects take place. Any effect which must happen at the beginning of the Untap phase must be resolved before you resolve any voluntary Untap phase effect.  Of course, the rest of your Untap phase effects must also be resolved before any effects which must occur at the end of your Untap phase.  If there are multiple effects that must occur either at the beginning or the end of your Untap phase, you may choose the order in which you resolve the effects. Along with effects generated by cards, there are other effects that are resolved during the untap phase:
  • If you have the Edge, you may take one blood counter from the blood bank and add it to your pool.
  • For each card and title you are contesting, you must choose to yield or to pay to contest it (see below).

4.1 Contested Cards

Some of the cards in the game represent unique resources, such as specific locations, equipment or people. These cards will be identified as "unique" in their card text. In addition, all crypt cards represent unique minions. If more than one unique card with the same name is brought into play, that means control of the card is being contested.  Any Unique card can be Contested and will be Contested if another copy of that card enters play.  For the duration of the each contest, all copies of the contested cards are turned face down and are out of play Out of Play. If another uUnique card with the same name is brought into play, it is immediately contested and turned face down as well.
If additional copies of a Contested card would enter play, they are instead placed Out of Play after paying for their cost and also become Contested.  The cost to contest a card is one 1 pool, which you pay during each at the beginning of your untap phases. Instead of paying the cost to contest the card, you may choose to yield the card. You may choose to yield a Contested card by not paying the 1 pool cost; A yielded your copy of the Contested card is burned. Any cards or counters stacked on the yielded card are also burned.
If all other copies of a contested cards contesting your unique card are yielded, then the your copy of the card is untapped and turned face up during your next untap phase, ending the contest.

4.1.1 Contesting Cards with Yourself

If at any time you would Contest a card with yourself, then that play would be illegal; you cannot choose to Contest a card with yourself. If, for some reason, you must contest a card you already control the 'new' copy of the card is burned after any cost is paid. Be careful about putting duplicates of the same unique cards in your deck. You can't control more than one of the same unique card at a time, and you cannot contest cards with yourself (if some effect would force you to contest a card with yourself, then you simply burn the incoming copy of the unique card). On the other hand, you may wish to have a second copy handy in case the first is burned.

4.2 Contested Titles

Some titles are unique. For example, there can be only one Prince or Archbishop of a particular city (see Vampiric Sects, sec. 10 Appendix 1 Keywords). If more than one vampire in play claims the same title, then the title is contested. While the title is being contested the vampires involved in the contest are treated as if they have no title, the title is Out of Play but they remain the vampire is still controlled and may act and block as normal.
Any vampire may continue to contest a Title by burning 1 blood at the beginning of each Untap phase. They may also choose to yield the title by not burning 1 blood.  
The cost to contest a title is one blood, which is paid by the vampire during each of his untap phases. Instead of paying the cost to contest the title, the vampire may choose to yield the title (or may be forced to yield, if he has no blood to pay). Only ready vampires can contest titles -- vampires in torpor must yield during the untap phase. Yielding the title has no other effect on the vampire.
If all other vampires contesting a title with your vampire have yielded the contest, then your vampire acquires the title during your next untap phase, ending the contest.

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